Charity support services
EBS provides support to health related charity organisations across many areas including but not limited to:
- Charity start-up
- Trustee administrative support and guidance
- Supporter, member and patient enquiry handling
- Donation processing, banking and acknowledging
- Professional book-keeping (compliant with MDT)
- Merchandise distribution
- Gift aid management and submission
- Event support (awareness raising / fundraising / information / meetings / conferences / exhibitions)
- Secretariat support for meetings
- Marketing
- Social media
- Website and IT
- Governance and best practice advice
- Charity Commission guidance
- Helpline setup
- Helpdesk management
- Data protection service
- Trust fundraising

"I know what we do is not recognised outside, but it means so much to know we have provided help to someone, who otherwise would not get better support. Please share this with your colleagues at EBS as we are all part of the same team. It is obvious that the team do not just see their support as a job. it is far more than that and without it, we would not be able to do what we are doing. So this thank you, is for everyone at EBS."
Peter Bryce, Chair of the Pulmonary Fibrosis Trust